The Dimplex Opti-Myst stove range takes electric stoves to a whole new level. See for yourself at our Greenfield Services Southern Ltd showroom how by using unique state-of-the-art, patented technology, a Dimplex Opti-Myst stove creates a realistic electric flame and smoke effect that you’d be hard pressed to differentiate it from the real thing. By using ultrasonic technology to create an ultra-fine water mist, light bouncing off the water creates a 3D illusion of flames and smoke, creating the atmosphere and impression of a real-life fire – but without the messy cleanup.

Features of a Dimplex Opti-Myst stove

Stockbridge double-door stove in black

At our Greenfield Services Southern Ltd showroom, we supply a range of electric Dimplex Opti-Myst stoves that will add a touch of warmth and style into your Worthing, West Sussex or Brighton home. Blending perfectly between tradition and innovation, choose from a range of freestanding stoves that feature:

[list][li icon_name=”pixicon-circle-check” icon_color=”color”]Modern and traditional design styles, simplistic yet chic[/li][li icon_name=”pixicon-circle-check” icon_color=”color”]1kW and 2kW heat selections[/li][li icon_name=”pixicon-circle-check” icon_color=”color”]An Opti-Myst effect which can be used independently of heat[/li][li icon_name=”pixicon-circle-check” icon_color=”color”]Thermostat and remote control heat and flame intensity settings[/li][li icon_name=”pixicon-circle-check” icon_color=”color”]Single or double opening door options so you can get the most of our the visual splendour that is a Dimplex Opti-Myst stove[/li][li icon_name=”pixicon-circle-check” icon_color=”color”]Cast iron construction[/li][li icon_name=”pixicon-circle-check” icon_color=”color”]Cream, red or black finishes[/li][/list]

Impressed with the electric stove range from Dimplex Opti-Myst? Why not take a look at the range of Dimplex Opti-Myst electric fires as well.


View the range of Dimplex Opti-Myst stoves at our showroom in Worthing or give us a call on 01903 250 400.

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