Greenfield Services- Ecofan®!

Ecofan® – Heat Powered Stove Fan

When lighting your wood-burner or multi-fuel stove you may find the warm air produced tends to linger immediately around the appliance itself instead of spreading efficiently through your home.

The Ecofan® is specifically designed to circulate more warm air further into your room, making you warmer faster. There are many different Ecofan® available.


Image result for ecofan calfire

Why purchase a stove fan?

  • An Ecofan® costs NOTHING to run…

When using a fan, the heat produced from the stove heats the bottom of the Ecofan®, as the top of the fan is cold- the heat differential between the base and the top drives the motor thus turning the blades around. A stove Fan is the most economical way to effectively circulate the warm air your stove produces. No wires, no plug socket or batteries are needed.

  • Increased efficiency…

Warm air pushed out from your stove into the surrounding area rather than just rising to the ceiling means you are getting more heat energy pushed towards you. This improves the heating effectiveness of the stove and results in greater room comfort as show in the image above.

  • Reduction of fuel usage…

By using an Ecofan® you can reduce fuel usage by up to 18%. This does not only save you money but also aids in helping the environment.

 Image result for stove fan ecoImage result for stove fan ecoImage result for stove fan eco


We have many styles and sizes in our showroom which are Fully CE compliant for immunity emissions and product safety.


We keep these in stock & ready to take away today, pop into our showroom or give us a call on 01903 250400 for more information.

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